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April 28, 2023 - BY Admin

The Future is Female: Empowering Women in The Gambia's Tech Industry

The tech industry has become a significant player in the global economy, with innovation and digitalization becoming the new normal. However, the industry's workforce is still predominantly male. Empowering women in the tech industry is crucial to ensuring gender equality and driving innovation. This article discusses the importance of empowering women in The Gambia's tech industry and highlights the challenges and solutions faced by women in the tech sector.




Empowering women in the tech industry means providing equal opportunities for women to participate, contribute and benefit from the sector. The tech industry is growing rapidly, and gender equality in the industry is becoming more critical. The Gambia, a West African country, is no exception. Although the tech industry is relatively small in The Gambia, the gender gap is significant.


The Gender Gap in The Gambia's Tech Industry


Women's participation in The Gambia's tech industry is low, with women accounting for only 25% of the industry's workforce. The gender gap is not unique to The Gambia but is a global issue. In the tech industry, women face many challenges, including gender bias, lack of role models, and inadequate support. These challenges result in women being underrepresented in the sector.


Empowering Women in The Gambia's Tech Industry


Empowering women in The Gambia's tech industry is crucial to address the gender gap and promote gender equality. The government of The Gambia, along with various organizations, has taken significant steps to encourage women's participation in tech. For instance, the government's ICT policy recognizes the importance of women's inclusion in tech and aims to increase women's participation.


Additionally, various programs and initiatives aim to empower women in tech. For example, International Girls in ICT and STEM which aims at bridging the digital skill gender gap and empowering the next generation of women in ICT and STEM. The organization provides mentorship and training to women to help them succeed in the industry.


Challenges and Solutions


Despite the efforts to promote gender equality in The Gambia's tech industry, women still face many challenges. These challenges include gender bias, inadequate training, and lack of support. To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to provide women with access to education, mentorship, and training programs. Organizations should also promote inclusive hiring practices and create a supportive work environment.




Empowering women in The Gambia's tech industry is crucial to promoting gender equality and driving innovation. The Gambia's government and various organizations have taken significant steps to address the gender gap in the industry. However, more needs to be done to ensure women's equal participation in the industry.